after a long session of wondering and your curiosity rising despite apparent danger, you decide to jump into the lake. after all, both of your other options seem uninteresting and who doesn't want to risk their life by jumping in a boiling body of water? doesn't seem like you have much else better to do.

after jumping in you immediatly realize your mistake as you struggle to hold your breath under the scathing hot fluid. you clamp your eyes shut from the overwhelming heat and try to grasp back onto the ledge you originally leaped from, but like magic it seems to have dissapeared. you feel your organs cooking and your skin start to cover with blisters, then start to seemingly melt off, chunks of skin and blood pooling around you. every one of your nerves cooks like spaghetti and you feel like your eyes will explode and your brain will melt from the pool . you scream under the water, gurgling from the combonation of your own blood and whatever torturous liquid is in this body of water. that's the only thing your can do, scream and flail in your own hell until you black out. why did you think this was a logical choice??
