after a moment of wondering and hesitation, you decide the woods are the best option. after all, waiting around here and doing nothing might not get you anywhere, instead just wasting potentially valuable time, and jumping in the lake DEFINITELY doesn't seem good, with it's almost black color. you slowly walk into the shady forest where you may be protected from this cruel ball of light beaming its heat at you. walking... walking... more and more walking.

'was this really the best option?'

you think to yourself as you continue to walk and walk for seemingly hours with no stop to the neverending trees in sight. you would've expected this option to be more desirable since the forest seemed so lush and like it was blocked from sunlight. but you were tricked and the humidity is near unbearable, with a neverending stickiness that makes your clothes cling to your damp, sweat soaked skin as you crawl deeper and deeper into what you now believe was a wrong choice.

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