your dreams speak of unknown things, whispering in your ears like they're speaking a language you don't know... yet. your minds eye feeds you images of spirals and patterns that, if looked at hard enough, contain familiar images, similar to a cloud when your imagination wanders. you can only make out these images for a second or less, for as soon as you find something sorta reckognizable it's already gone and all you're left with is its memory. your brain torments you with these delusions until you stir awake in the middle of a field you do not reckognize, your body sore and limp.

your head pounds and your vision swirls slightly, but you can make out some of your surrondings; a land of dull green grass that looks like it might go up to your hips, since your laying it almost sheilds your vision from the rest of the landscape as though protecting you, skys so orange they could be mistaken for a dull red, a blazing sun shinning in it that you believe in your daze is taunting you with a grin. you try your best to stand up to see your surroundings better, but you lose your balance and fall over, right back where you started.
