this is a page about not me or something else but the website. I think this is an interesting topix for a page but whatever. this website was created 2024/04/15 at the height of my html [hyper?]fixation I had early last year that was started when I was forced to learn about html and thought it was the coolest thing ever. it's been downhill from there. originally I just made html files on my laptop and coded shittily like that, but then I somehow found out about neocities and it was even further downhill from there. now I have this thing to deal with. to be completely honest this site has no real purpose, it doesn't have to exist, but it does because I find enjoyment out of coding and putting stuff out there even if no one will see it, which I intend to happen. and also I think it's nice to have a place or thing you made yourself you can do whatever you want with, something you can mold however you want [the sky is the limit] and other people can stumble upon it too. ugh I have this thing where I can never tell if what I've just written is coherent or not and it's happening now oh my god