This is the about me page or where it should be. right now it is very blank and cryptic but I've never liked css that much. I prefer html.

Anyways hi. I am reyn, but you can refer to me with any alternative names, preferably ones starting with "R" and including the letters "E" "Y" and "N". I go by he/it/tik/tok pronouns at the moment with preference for he/him. I am 16 years of age and my birthday is 2008/03/11 0941. mark your calender. I am most likely neurodivergent but cannot get a diagnosis to confirm nor deny that suspicion, in doubt I will most likely remain. I am LGBTQ+, I consider myself genderqueer and not straight or allo. I like Neil Cicierega. I think he makes things that are cool, so cool infact I have been a fan since like may 2023 and haven't really stopped being a fan. special interest? maybe. I like Lemon Demon and the Mouth albums mainly but sometimes I go on the wayback machine and look at things relating to him or I go on his livejournal. these are rabbit holes I go down a lot and they give me happy feelings. enough rambling. I also enjoy all things art. art is a funny word I think because most people mean visual art like drawing and painting, but I mean all kinds of art. I've enjoyed music making, audio editing, character and story creation, creative writing, coding but you could've figured that one out, and digital drawing. . . and I guess origami and video/image editing. I do these on and off, my interest fluctuates and I go from really intensly liking one thing to another. but I never really stop liking these things. I also like the internet and if I feel up to it, gaming. my personal favorite games are BTD5 and Terraria, and I've liked them on and off for nearly a decade now too. I dislike shows and movies though. see? I told you I have personality.