ABOUT PAGE as of 05/06/2024

hello this is my new about page since the last one i had i accidently deleted while testing something out for the choose your own adventure through text game i'm in early stages of making as of may 6th 2024 at like 2100 hours give or take by what time it is no and what time it will be when i'm done. i absolutely fucking suck at writing abouts mes because i neever know wahat to write for them and i've tried looking at what others write for theirs but they don't overshare as much as i do and i think that's boring. i like writing long paragraphs and infodumping and shit and no one else does that. so i'll just write whatever the flip flop comes to mind as this is my website and no one will tell me how to make it, unless they bully me enough but i like degration anyway so it doesn;t matter.

as s for stuff about me, i'm REYN. feel free to call me REY or REYMOND or even BLOODREYN or whatever other fun names or nicknames you wanna throw at me. i don't really mind i find it fun. or ou can just call me dyson or dysonsphere or whatever other title you have in mind. I DON'T MIND AND ENOUGH OF NAMES!!!!!!! KLJ/GW sorry i got excited. I LOVE LEMON DEMON!!!!!!!!


i consider myself to be an eccentric person and most describe me as being very weird. in public i am shy and withdrawn, with people i'm close to i talk their heads off their bodies. in all cases i am stuck inside my head. on a slightly differnet note i suspect i am autistic but i have no hope for ever getting diagnoised so forever i will remain being almost sure i am but not really wanting to go through the trouble. at the very least i'm almost 100% sure i have synesthesia that makes me see letters and words and months and days and numbers as colors, but mostly letters and words. my brain is weird so when i think of a word i see it in color, always the same color, been like this since i was very young. i am also prone to suicidal ideation but i have been getting better as i hae become more hopeful, both for reasons you can probably guess from the above line and from other things i don't feel like getting into. i still have a few projects due by like wednesday of the week and i'm procrastanating so fucking hard because as much as i love the short story "where is here" and i find the impact 911 had on society very interesting, i am a naturally scatterbrained person, as my mother and i have equally witnessed and concluded. but now i'm tagenting as i am also prone to do so i should move on.

i also go by any pronouns but i have a heavy prefrence for he/him, ie i won't get mad if you use other pronouns and i know it's increadibly likely to happen because i'm a fucking twink and everyone LOVES assuming things, something that personally grinds my gears, so i won't say anything really but i'll make note of it and i would much rather you use anything other than she/her and used he/him instead. so just do whatever i can't be payed to care, well yes i can becausee i'm an eavesdropper but i digress. hmm whatelse it seems like i've run out of things to talk about. never mind i found ideas also i'm just writing whatwver comes to my brain and i won't change it, maybe i'll make a summarized version one day or like a tldr but for now this is whta you're getting. DIGRESSING DIGRESSING!!!!!!!

gah i feel like somthing is crawling in my vents and staring at me but anyways i am 16 years of age, my brithday is 03/11/2008 so make sure to mark your calenders and put on some makeup for it because i can see you... and i'm checking to see if you actually mark your calenders. kidding why would i stalk the person reading this, i'm not some omnipresent omniscient creature like i wanna be. yet. just kidding i'm gonna rot in my room and make shitty websites and art and music and whatever else i feel like for the rest of my life... kidding once more, probably. damn i've been kidding around alot, no wonder since in one of the last paragraphs i mention the goofy stuff rattling aroudn in my brain, who actually wants to hear that except for a therapist? well whatwver. i'm in henderson nevada, i moved here like 3 or 4 months ago from elizabeth new jersey, it's fun here change of scenary is always nice. my hobbies include watching videos, finding more content and information about neil stephan cicierega AKA the mother fucker who made lemon demon and a bunch of other stuff and has had a chokehold on my mind for like a year now. a year straight. i'm not exaggerating in the slightest every waking minute lemon demon is fcuking shit up in my brain per usual. actually saying that i'm trying to find information on someone is kinda weird and i don't want another dec2023 incident. what i mean is i like lemon demon alot so i wanna find out as much information about it as possible, ie songs i haven't listened to yet, general information about it, content i haven't yet seen pertaining to this music project and its creator, things of that sort. i'm not a stalker i swear. back to hobbies, i also like talking and writing, though i do the ladder in very speedy but drawn out bursts. basically i ramble and jabbity jabba jibba jabber for like an hour or so and i stop for good. well mostly for good until i get distracted and ramble. this is why i cant have a diary because i can't maintain a consistent scheduale for posting about my life, so veen if osoemthign interesting happens i can't really write about it because i used up my talking juices. thus you'll say 'but REYN it would make so much more sense to write tiny sentences' this is impossible for me. i am also very stubborn funfact.

i also like making music anddrawing and making characters and coding and i have many many fun ideas jingling in my brain. too bad i have little motivation :-(... oh well it's not that big a deal. i have fun plans, my fun plans being to create this bitchass cyoa text game thing with this website, somethin g you have full access to the wip of and is being updated somehwat regularly????? i try. i also plan to release an album but i do have an ep or whatever you call it of a few older songs from august last year that suck but you can see my progression as an artist when i release my actually good stuf??f? for now the only way to hear my shit is to listen on bandlab. i also have a bunch of characeters i wanna make a story with and flesh out more and make cool character sheets and bios and whatnot but this about me page is already looking like i mess i can tell but i atleast hope you gave fun watching my ramblings?????? and since this looks like shit and i'm just taling about myself i don't even know how i would go about talking about a characetr i made. godamn that sounds horrific. if you want a better about me page then this go look at my quotev. oh ahit i just realized the amount of stuff i gotta link to other stuff fuck me but not iteraly man!!! oh well.

Anyways i hope you had a fun time reading since it took a whole fucking hour for me to write, once more why i don;'t like diaries or rambling through text. verbal is alot easier but i guess that's mostly true for me atleast. DIGRESSING!!! have a wonderous evening day afternoon night or whatever time it is where you are and i hope you stick by my page and didn't just skip to the end :D if yu did skip to the end without reading please read what i wrote, not because any of it is important i just like feeling important. why do you think i have so many skills? and if you read that and STILL won't read my 5 book length paragraphs then i hope your pillow is the moistest, warmest mold smelling pillow you ever slept on. good day.