
Hi I'm Reyn and this is my about page

pronouns he/it/tik/tok
age 17 yrs
birthday 2008/03/11 09:41
location nv, usa
hobbies drawing, coding, audio editing, making music occasionally, generally looking at stuff online or watching videos, generally creating whatever I feel like, maybe gaming
likes neil cicierega, lemon demon, the mouth albums, long car rides, enaging in hobbies and interests, when i get completely absorbed in a task or rabbit hole, listening to music or being in silence, monster energy drinks, the internet, being around and talking to my friends, actually talking in general, my ocs, creating characters and stories, html, sleeping, x= type algebra problems, honestly whatever interests me that i can immerse myself in for long periods of time mainly, people i can talk to easily, nighttime, that's it i uh think
dislikes grammar errors like mixing up you're/your and there/their/they're, large crowds, loud noises, anything causing me stress that constantly lingers in my brain [will not elaborate further], my younger self, group projects, group conversations, bigots and generally just ignorant fucking people, my train of thought being interupted, being interupted in conversation, anything mildly overstimulating and above, memory loss [happens more than you think], when i can't think of a proper reply in conversation, intrusive thoughts but that's kinda obvious, social anxiety see previous, mango loco juice monster, the need to eat sleep and use the bathroom, lemon demon, neil cicierega, , the psychotic fandom of children i have nestled myself into, aging, the passage of time, radqueers [i have never met a community on such thin fucking ice in my millenia of life], by extension pedos and zoos, weirdo fans that say the most vile shit ever to celebrities [although a sick part of my brain finds humor in this], my biology and physical form, css, having to get up at fucking 0500 hours for school every god damn mother fucking mornin FUCK, uh i think that's it
color whatever the text color is, otherwise red-orange
food sandwiches, bread
drink aussie lemonade juice monster
animals moths, jellyfish
music ... next question
games the papa's -ia type flash games, more specifically papa's freezeria, bloons td 5, terraria


Who are you?

I am Reyn. You can call me that or any other names starting with "R" that also have "E" "Y" and/or "N" somewhere in them. I've been thinking about making it Reynell instead but I'm not sure. I am a highschooler with too much and too little free time simultaneously. I like Neil Cicierega and Lemon Demon. I have creative hobbies and post them sometimes. Most other general information about me can be deduced by either looking at the table on the bottom left part of the screen or just looking through the website.

What got you into coding in the first place?

It was 10th grade, February 2024. I had just moved to Nevada and was starting over in a completely new school. While making my schedule for the remaining 3 months of the school year, my counselor had placed me in computer science and applications class or whatever the fuck it was called. It was just CodeHS, I was taught internet saftey [look where that brought me], and some coding nonsense that didn't appeal to me. Until, suddenly, I had to start learning html/css, and everything clicked.

Why did you make this website?

Since I loved html oh so much, I wanted to do something with it instead of just having my interest go to waste. So I started out by making very simple .html files on my laptop that had things like a list of my social media accounts and diary entries. I realized very quickly how much funner it would be if I could actually share these websites. I'm not sure how exactly, but I found Neocities and made an account and slowly started crafting it. And now we are here, since like April 15th 2024.

What does it do?

That's the beauty of it, it doesn't do anything.

Actually that's a lie, technically it has like links and stuff and it's a creative outlet I can do whatever I want with, but in terms of actual usefulness it does nothing. Then again, do personal websites even need an actual purpose?

Okay I think that's all. Something something "if you just skipped to the bottom please scroll up and read what I wrote, if you refuse I hope your pillow is painfully moist and smells of mold, if you read it all thanks I guess."


These are just the ones I mainly use, I had a thing awhile ago where I wanted as many social media accounts on as many websites as humanly possible, and indeed, I have accounts on pretty much all places, and if you can't find me there it's either too obscure or I have an alt on there I don't want people knowing about.

Prefered method of communication would be through my email at On my social medias I'm either just posting or just commenting and viewing content, through email I would most likely, hopefully, reply.






knife ARTfight

pronouns page

Go back to the main room?

Alternatively, you can also read the older about me's to see how much I've changed.